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chronic disorganization


Chronic disorganization is when an individual:

- has a history of disorganization,

- where self-help efforts have failed,

- when their quality of life is undermined due to disorganization,

- and when disorganization issues are expected to continue to be a daily struggle. In some instances, this may include hoarding.  

In fact, the estimate is that six million people suffer with hoarding behavior. 

CD people think, learn and organize in unconventional ways.

Conquering CD won’t happen overnight, but it can be achieved.Change will come, and the clutter, stress, and inability to focus will become order and serenity – with a schedule that’s under control!

Don’t confront your enemy alone — our staff holds the Institue for Challenging Disorganization (ICD, formerly NSGCD) Level Two Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate, as well as numerous other certificates of study from ICD/NSGCD.

ICD also provides individuals with an assessment tool to help identify​ particular areas of challenge.

Click here to access the ICD Clutter Hoarding Scale.

ICD also provides individuals with an assessment tool to help identify​ particular areas of challenge.

Click here to access the ICD Clutter Hoarding Scale.

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