How We Help
Clutter isn't usually fatal, though it can be. More often, it feels uncomfortable, kind of like sandpaper rubbing against skin. It robs us of space, time, and relationships. And, it's much easier to deal with when you have help! We are here for you!

Are your counters covered with clutter? Do you have to move things to cook? Does that bag of chocolate chips keep sliding out when you open the cupboard? We help you conquer the chaos in your kitchen and save meal preparation time by giving you a place for each item – where it’s used most often. Let's put the fun back in cooking!

Moving / Right-Sizing
Are you selling your house? Beginning a new season in your life? We can help you get your home shipshape and clutter free. When you move we’ll help you decide what to keep and what to donate – before you pack – and discuss the best place for your treasures in your new home.

NO, you are not stupid or lazy! ADD and ADHD are challenges for many adults and children. Whether you deal with this challenge personally, or live with someone who struggles in this area, you’ve probably been frustrated by situations that arise: getting off track micro focus, underestimating, getting stuck losing track of time These are all ADD patterns that contribute to disorganization. We understand your struggles and share strategies, as well as processes to overcome the negative aspects of ADD so you can tap into, and celebrate the positive aspects! We will also share with you the link between nutrition and improved ability to concentrate.

Challenging Disorganization
Challenging disorganization is when an individual: - has a history of disorganization, - where self-help efforts have failed, - when their quality of life is undermined due to disorganization, - and when disorganization issues are expected to continue to be a daily struggle. In some instances, this may include hoarding. In fact, the estimate is that six million people suffer with hoarding behavior. CD people think, learn and organize in unconventional ways. Conquering CD won’t happen overnight, but it can be achieved. Change will come, and the clutter, stress, and inability to focus will become order and serenity – with a schedule that’s under control! Don’t confront your enemy alone — our staff holds the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD, formerly NSGCD) Level Two Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate, as well as numerous other certificates of study from ICD/NSGCD. ICD also provides individuals with an assessment tool to help identify particular areas of challenge. Access the ICD Clutter Hoarding Scale: https://www.challengingdisorganization.org/clutter-hoarding-scale- Another wonderful resource is The International OCD Foundation, https://iocdf.org/ with doctors Randy Frost, PhD and Gail Steketee, PhD. Here you find accurate, up-to-date information about hoarding and its treatment. They are the authors of several books, including Buried in Treasures Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving & Hoarding and Compulsive Hoarding and Acquiring Treatments That Work. We help you take baby steps forward. Slowly but surely, change will come. The clutter, stress, inability to focus and randomness will change to order, serenity and a schedule that is under control. The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.

Would you like to be able to dress in the morning without searching for outfits and accessories? What if there were no clothes, belts, scarves or shoes on the floor of your closets, and nothing fell out when you opened the door? What if you could shut the door? We’ll help you make sense out of your wardrobe challenges by showing you how to utilize the space you have.

Students and Kids
Students - Do you or someone you love need help with personal planning? Does homework get turned in late — or not turned in it all? Is keeping a desk or locker neat and organized a struggle? Is a backpack more of a black hole? We work one-on-one with students to conquer these challenges. Children - Children are a blessing! Yet they bring their own set of challenges. It begins with baby paperwork, then continues with toys, equipment and other baby stuff, and as years ago by more challenges arise. We work with you and your child to find solutions that are FUN and effective! What better time to teach your child organization skills than now?

Mail, Bills, Office Challenges
Do you have a system for the daily deluge of mail? Do piles seem to appear out of nowhere and frustrate you? Can you put your hands on your life insurance policy? Information is money, if you can find it when you need it! Remember the hot contact that was referred to you last week? If they called this morning, would you be able to get their information in front of you, or would you have to keep them waiting on the phone? We show you how to organize your contacts and have access to them now. Filing systems are the lifeblood of your office. Together we’ll set up a system that works for you, or tweak the system you have. We’ll show you how to save your computer documents so you can find them quickly, and set up systems to streamline other electronic information. Paper management in the office is a big challenge. We’ll set up proven systems to handle paper flow – and even reduce it – with effective computer techniques. Computer and Internet training is also available if these challenge you, as is general support. Sometimes all it takes is getting caught up! Would you like to easily retrieve any piece of paperwork in five minutes? We’ll help you conquer the challenges of your bills and home documents easily and painlessly!

Neuro-Spicy Gifts
We are all different people, with different gifts and neurology. Thankfully, we get to listen to and learn from each other. New Life Organizing works patiently with grace, openness and humility to provide support to help smooth challenges. We don't have all of the answers, and we are excited to learn from you!

Time, Tasks & Talents
Time - where does it go? Life is different that was a generation ago, with jam-packed schedules and many more distractions. At the end of the day, do you feel frustrated by what you didn’t accomplish? Are you spending your time on what’s truly important? If you had six months to live, what would you change in your life? Let us help you set goals that reflect your core values, make your days what you want them to be, lean into your talents, and live a life of no regrets!